Hi there--love your blog! I saw your post on Rihanna and she has the boots working with her pencil skirt and her hot pink tee. I'm JUST getting back into the fashion game--I'm a stay at home mother of 2 boys. Fashion has taken a backseat for a while (not a "she looks terrible in those sweatpants/mom jeans backseat, but it hasn't been a priority LOL), but I've always loved it! I never thought it was "okay" to wear boots in the summer.I'd like to request some fashionable choices for summer boots. I'd like to run out and buy some. :o) If you could post a few hot choices and looks to go along with it, I'd appreciate it a lot.Thanks!
Dear Lookbook Reader Here are 2 basic choices for boots. If the weather is incredibly warm where you are, maybe opt for one that cuts at the calf and replace the sweater below with a tank top. Should you wish to go the ubertrendy route, there are also a few open toe boots available here.